Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership (formerly The Cranlana Programme) established by The Myer Foundation.
First established in 1993 by the Myer Foundation, the Cranlana Programme was created to promote informed discussion about responsible, ethical leadership. Inspired by the Aspen Institute in the United States, and recognising that there was too great a focus on management and not enough on leading, Ken Myer and Michael Liffman collaborated to create a course that would inspire a new generation of Australian luminaries to take a new approach to leadership.
Today’s Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership is the result of a collaboration between the original Cranlana Programme and another highly prominent Australian ethical leadership course – the Vincent Fairfax Fellowship, founded by the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation and members of the Fairfax family.
The beneficiary of two legendary Australian families’ foresight and generosity, the Cranlana Centre brings more than a half-century of combined leadership experience to bear in cultivating an ethical focus among Australia’s leaders.
In 2019 the organisation partnered with Monash University, Australia’s largest higher education institution, providing an essential opportunity to reach an even wider cohort of current and future leaders across the nation – and deepening its contribution to building better, more ethically driven leadership.
Image courtesy Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation