Human, Civil & Legal Rights


Human, civil and legal rights is a priority theme of The Myer Foundation, aligning with the enabling organisations and impact beyond grantmaking strategic pillars of our strategy. It’s an area that continues to grow in importance in Australia, across a range of issues including laws relating to reproductive health rights, LGBTI rights, refugee law, laws relating to the right to protest, environmental and climate justice, support for democratic institutions, and access to legal assistance.

Grantmaking within the theme of human, civil and legal rights takes the form of multi-year general operating support and includes:

  • support for organisations providing access to justice or promoting or defending human, civil and legal rights
  • support for organisations supporting the promotion of a society that respects and honours human rights

This funding stream does not directly fund the provision of legal services for individuals or organisations. Rather, emphasis is placed on organisational support or development.

Organisations and initiatives supported through this theme include: