Social Impact Leadership Australia (SILA) is a comprehensive, free program investing in Australia’s for-purpose leaders, aiming to advance their capability and that of their organisations and ecosystems for a better civil society.

The fourth cohort of 24 exceptional for-purpose leaders is drawn from the Northern Territory and Queensland. They work in a diverse range of impact areas, from the arts to social justice, First Nations and the environment, across metropolitan, rural, regional and remote areas.

SILA is a partnership between the Sidney Myer Fund and The Myer Foundation, Paul Ramsay Foundation and the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation and is delivered by the Centre for Social Impact at UNSW.

Now in its fourth year, SILA offers a series of leadership retreats, a tailored sabbatical and support for organisations and step-up leaders. More than 70 for-purpose leaders from Victoria and Tasmania, New South Wales and the ACT, and South Australia and Western Australia have been through the program.

“SILA has been a transformational experience for myself and our organisation. As a result of SILA...I can see now how intrinsically linked professional development is to systems reform, organisational development as well as client experiences.” Previous SILA participant.

CEO of The Myer Foundation and Sidney Myer Fund Leonard Vary said “It is very exciting to see this cohort of high calibre for-purpose leaders from Queensland and the Northern Territory begin their SILA journey. We know their experience over coming months will be profound and are proud to support this unique program and their participation in it”.

Read CSI’s announcement

Learn more about SILA